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Honest pricing.

Grow or money back.

No bots, no fake followers, no password needed!

Organic targeted growth by real- human IG experts & patented AI.

SAVE 20%

Choose your Instagram growth plan


$99 $129 LIMITED /month for first month

Kick-start your Instagram audience.
Ideal for personal Instagram accounts.

What's included:
  • 1,000 - 1,500 Real Followers /mo
  • Follower Growth From Day 1
  • Live Growth Web Dashboard
  • Real & Organic Followers
✨ Get started for FREE


$249 $332 LIMITED /month for first month

Fully-managed growth & content by your own dedicated Instagram Manager.

Everything from Pro, plus:
  • 3,500 - 6,000+ Real Followers /mo
  • Follower Growth From Day 1
  • Live Growth Web Dashboard
  • Real & Organic Followers
  • AI Competitor Targeting
  • AI Profile Optimization
  • SplashSocial Boost
  • Dedicated Account Manager
✨ Get started for FREE
Got questions?

We got the answers

SplashSocial helps you get more Instagram followers, likes and comments

(and a bunch of other stuff) 50x faster using GPT-4.

We prioritize your account's safety by never asking for your Instagram password or employing automated methods. Our approach involves organic promotion via influencers, media outlets, and our proprietary platform, ensuring there's no risk to your account.

Unlike services that request your Instagram password or use automated tools, which violate Instagram's Terms of Service and risk a permanent ban, we only use manual, organic outreach to build a genuine, engaged following for you.

No, we do not. Such practices violate Instagram's Terms of Service. We are a social media agency that uses organic strategies to promote your profile through influencers and our platform without logging into your account.

No, you won't lose any followers upon cancellation. The followers you gain through our service are organic and follow you because they are genuinely interested in your content.

Our team works daily to ensure you see growth within a day and significant progress within a week. If you don't see results, we'll gladly issue a refund.

Yes, all followers are real and organically acquired. We focus on genuine outreach to attract followers who are truly interested in your profile and content.

Our service has helped brands, celebrities, influencers, local businesses, retail stores, tech companies, and more. If you're on Instagram, we can assist in growing your presence.

Absolutely! Our patented AI audience targeting algorithm and extensive network of influencers across numerous niches ensure we can find the right audience for your brand on Instagram.

We only need your Instagram handle and a brief on your target audience. Leave the rest to our dedicated team to handle the growth of your account.

There are several effective methods to grow your Instagram followers: consistent high-quality content, regular posting, strategic use of hashtags, and leveraging Instagram's features. Additionally, paid advertising, post boosting, and influencer marketing are key strategies. Partnering with an expert like SplashSocial can significantly enhance your growth efforts.

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Trusted by 12000+ brands and individuals

Jump Start Your Instagram
Following Today!

Get real, active followers.

Stop stressing about the Instagram Algorithm. Our battle-tested growth tactics help you achieve real results so you can relax and focus on creating!